Saturday, 30 May 2015

Bolt on Blue Glove

Not a glove that you bolt on, that would be weird and rather unnecessary, nor is it a work of art or musical composition,  it really is just a bolt, on a blue glove.

This is a very short (yes it really will be) post because I forget to mention it in my last post, no, the one before, Shout and Shimmy, the one about my gearbox shim hassles frustrations success. I only remembered when I was going through pictures, saw it and thought, I meant to say something about that.

It's a bolt, an M6 bolt, a 50mm M6 bolt, and its my friend (well it and its identical twin are) for without them, removing the gearbox end plate (for shimming purposes) the several times I had to would have been a real pain.

For that reason I wanted to acknowledge their help and input with a post just for them, I would also recommend having a couple to hand if you need to do similar. These are stainless steel Allen headed ones, but other bolts/variations are of course available :-)

P.S. I know there is only one in the picture but trust me, the other one really is identical, monozygotic you could say, in the identical sense, not the "genetics" and "same egg" sense...... I will go now......

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