Saturday, 8 August 2015


Not me I hasten to add (that's crying I mean), no, Izzy is, look, tears of oil stream from her crankcase like a lone stream of water travelling in the middle of nowhere departing from a wide river of mixed emotions.............. actually, its just a bit of the oil that I used to soak the clutch plates in that has seeped out after they were compressed. It could also be the remnants of the oil used on the gears when they were lubricated prior to being fitted, so nothing to worry about.

Whenever I write the word crying, I find it very hard not to think of a certain Only Fools and Horses sketch, you need to forward to around the 40th minute, but it still makes me laugh now, I am easily pleased though.

So, back to the post, it's only a short one (you may be pleased to know) as I have been helping with an an erection putting a shed up today and the time has flown by, so yet again, Izzy has been neglected.

Look how she weeps all over the workbench...........

Seriously, it is just a bit of oil, there is no need to call social services, it is all under control and as they say, there is no use crying over spoilt oil, not sure who says it, but I am sure I have heard them, or imagined it, it doesn't matter now, its happened, we need to move on, I need to move on (clearly)

As stated earlier, this is a short post, more will be done to Izzy tomorrow but I will most likely not post (on this blog) tomorrow as its a special day, an anniversary no less, so I will probably post something, just not here??????????????????????????? you cant beat a bit of mystery, well you can, but I'm not going to explain how now, for I must away...............

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